FUNDING | Grants for Students
The below are our current Grants for students. (Check out out Grants for ministries here.
We here to help you succeed. If you have any questions, please contact
US Dollar Exchange Grant
~ for all Students
Unity Canada will cover the exchange rate between the U.S. and Canadian dollar for tuition and accommodation paid when taking classes at Unity Village or Unity Urban Ministerial School.
Students who have successfully completed Spiritual Education & Enrichment (SEE) credit classes, ministerial path classes and/or pre-requisite ministerial path classes, required Licensing & Ordination intensive weeks, and have received acknowledged written credit from Unity Worldwide Spiritual Institute (UWSI) may apply for reimbursement of the US dollar exchange when there is an adverse US dollar exchange rate.
Northern Light Grant | Ministry and Religious Science (M&RS)
~ for SEE and Ministerial Path Students
The Northern Light Grant program for Ministry and Religious Science (M&RS) students includes tuition for courses taken in any of the three following categories:
On campus courses at Unity Institute
On-line courses through Unity Institute
Courses pre-approved by Unity Institute to be taken at a local, accredited institution in accordance the M&RS program policy
Grant recipients receive a cheque for up to 25%* of the tuition amount. (*See document with full detailed information by clicking here.)
Upon graduation and ordination, the grant recipient is expected to return to Canada to minister for 2 years.
In the event there is not 1) an opening in Canada or 2) no appropriate and suitable match can be made with an existing Canadian Unity ministry, the scholarship recipient can request an exception to this requirement, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors.
Skills Demonstration Seminar (SDS) Grant
~ for SEE Students
For anyone successfully completing Licensed Unity Teacher (LUT) training and Skills Development Seminar (SDS), there is a $750 grant available.
The newly licensed Unity teacher may apply for a grant of $750 to honour his/her commitment and work to achieve this milestone. The recipient is responsible for any applicable income tax.
A copy of the letter that you will receive from Unity Worldwide Ministries of your successful completion of SDS must be sent to the Unity Canada Treasurer ( upon receipt of his/her License.
The Treasurer will inform the Board who will then authorize the Grant payment.