CONNECT | Ministries' News & Special Events
Unity Canada spiritual communities across Canada host special events and classes that are open to everyone. Some are ongoing; some are for specific dates. Zoom is the usual mode of connection. (Time Converter)
We are pleased to make this page available to all our spiritual communities, although Unity Canada is not responsible for the content , the delivery or the organization of the event, nor the description written below.
To submit your event, please email
To submit a question about a listed Event, please connect with the Host or Contact shown in the event listing.

Note the time zone of the event you are interested in and convert to your time zone:
Unity Centre of Montreal
Minister in Residence monthly+
$1,000/month + 50% Workshops/ Classes + Lodging
Unity Centre of Montreal is seeking experienced Unity ministers (or other Unity-recognized ordinations and leaders) to serve as Ministers in Residence (MIR).
MIRs are responsible, in coordination with the Senior Minister, for the conduct and content of all Sunday services and Midweek Event. They are encouraged to participate in the daily Noon Meditation and maintain some office hours presence on weekdays.
Ministers in Residence receive as compensation while serving the use of the Minister’s manse, a one bedroom/bath, kitchen and living room and a minister’s compensation of $1,000 per month. In addition, all Love offerings from counselling and spiritual support PLUS 50% of Love offering from workshops, extra classes, or events of their choosing during their stay, and can sell their own books or similar materials while in residence.
To apply, please CONTACT:
Tuesdays, 7-8 pm EST
January 14 to April 1 2025 (First Semester)
Unity York Region presents...
The Quest: A Journey of Spiritual Rediscovery​
Everyone is welcome to attend! No cost to attend however a donation of $10 is suggested.
The Quest, by Richard & Mary-Alice Jafolla, is a discovery of the inner self, our Divinity – some may call it our highest self, others, our inner Christ nature. The book is a comprehensive presentation of Unity principles expressed in a fresh and exciting way. It is contemporary, practical, and easy to understand. The book and workbook can be ordered from Amazon
Facilitator/Contact: Susan Ferrante, LUT
Register via the Unity York Region newsletter here to receive the Zoom link.
Sunday, February 8 - 12:30-2:00pm ET
Unity Kitchener presents...
Finding Yourself in Transition - Workshop, hosted by Unity Kitchener
Rev. Robert is a UNITY minister and author of four books: the award-winning Finding Yourself in Transition, The Quest for Wholeness, Birthing a Greater Reality and Living Originally, all published by Unity. He has authored over a dozen articles in Unity magazine as well as several Unity pamphlets. His writings, seminars, retreats and radio broadcasts have touched the lives of many thousands of people.
Learn more about Rev. Robert here
Ticket Info: Supported: $25 ~ Cost: $35 ~ Supporter: $45 (all in Canadian $)
Register by clicking here.

Wednesdays, March 5 - April 16, 1:30pmET
Unity of/de Montreal presents...
Living the 7 Steps of Creation
Deepen your higher dimension spiritual awareness of the metaphysical laws of embodiment and creation as taught by Charles Fillmore in his mystical book The Mysteries of Genesis. Mr. Fillmore’s teachings about the Universal Laws manifested in the creation of the world as metaphysically described in the Book of Genesis, maps perfectly on the research findings on what members of all the world’s officially accepted Blue Zone communities share in their long, healthy lives. Long-lived Unity spiritual leaders in the 20th century were beneficiaries of having lived these teachings when attending the former (1930s to 1960s) annual summer schools at Unity Farm (today’s Village), where future Unity spiritual leaders gathered from the 1930s to the 1960s to learn Unity culture and teachings. Of course, these gatherings were based on Mr. Fillmore’s teachings.
Given this history, it’s not surprising to figure out that the principles found in Blue Zones everywhere are the ones identified in Genesis by Mr. Fillmore as the Seven Universal Steps of Creation.
Facilitated by Rev. Rosemary Hyde, Unity of/de Montreal &
and by LUT Student Debbee Roberts.
No set fee. We will honor the Unity tradition of activating the Law of Cause and Effect by inviting participants to share their energy in the form of a free will offering.
Register by emailing