Funding | Grants For Spiritual Communities
The below are our current Grants for US Dollar Exchange and Conference Attendance. We here to help you and your spiritual community succeed. If you have any questions, please contact
US Dollar Exchange Grant ~ for Spiritual Communities
For any materials or services purchased for spiritual community operations, this Grant will help spiritual communities ease the cost of the the US-Canada exchange rate.
This Grant applies for purchases made after January 1, 2020.
It includes the below items and services. (Note that consulting fees do not qualify for this grant as these would be classified as spiritual community development.)
OneEach website expenses
products purchased (and not for resale) from Unity Worldwide Ministries or Unity Headquarters (i.e. 12 Power candle sets)
US course materials (i.e. Prosperity Plus and Absolute Abundance) when sold to the student at cost
emPower music license
marketing and promotional items (i.e. Lenten, Advent and other Unity booklets, one Ministry subscription to Daily Word)
Spiritual Cinema​
US-based speakers (honourariums paid at the rate that follows Ministry Policy; grant claims may be submitted once per quarter)
Please complete this US Dollar Exchange Grant for Ministries Form, and submit it to
If you are unsure if your claim fits this Grant's criteria, you can request pre-approval by downloading and submitting the application form.
Conference Grant ~ for Spiritual Communities
updated October 2024
To encourage in-person conference attendance, Unity Canada will offer a grant toward registration, travel and accommodation expenses for attendees from a Member Ministry and Credentialed Leaders.
The grant will be limited to half of the spiritual community member's annual undesignated contributions to Unity Canada and will be calculated annually by the Treasurer.
The spiritual community’s grant claim may not exceed the actual Conference expenses.
Receipts for air fare, travel and lodging (not food) must be submitted to the Treasurer following conference with the expense form provided by Unity Canada.
To qualify for the grant,
a copy of the spiritual community’s current Annual Ministry Report (T3010 – including the T1235 Form that lists all Directors) must be on file with Revenue Canada and the Unity Canada Treasurer. This confirms your membership in Unity Canada.
a minimum of one (1) voting delegate attends the Annual General Meeting in person.
Spiritual Communities & Credentialed Leaders
Submit one (1) claim only directly to the Unity Canada Treasurer within 30 days following the Conference.
Use the Unity Canada 2024 Conference Grant Request Form (download here), with receipts for your spiritual community's approved delegates, including their names and expenses for
travel: air fare or mileage (per CRA 2024 posted rate of $0.70/km)
accommodation (not food)
Connect with Unity Canada Treasurer at