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"It is necessary to give freely if we are to receive freely. The law of receiving includes giving.   The knowledge that substance is omnipresent and that people cannot, therefore, impoverish themselves  by giving (but rather will increase their supply) will enable us to give freely and cheerfully."
~ Charles Fillmore

Generous tithes to Unity Canada, along with good financial stewardship, makes it possible for us to provide Scholarships and Grants.


Running a spiritual community, tuition to be a Minister and course fees to become Licensed Unity Teacher all contribute to the life blood of our Canadian ministries - and we want to support that!


Our purpose for all scholarships and grants is to support the growth of Unity leadership and the growth of Unity within Canada.


We welcome your questions on how we can help support you!

Full List of Grants and Scholarships

To the left is our full list of grants and scholarships that offer financial assistance


We make every effort to keep these updated.


Click on the 3 quick links - Scholarships, Student Grants and Ministry Grants - to go directly to your desired page.

2 Puzzle Pieces
for SEE (Spiritual Education & Enrichment) Students
  • Spiritual Education & Enrichment Scholarship

  • Individual US Dollar Exchange Grant

  • Skills Demonstration Seminar (SDS) Grant

for Ministerial Students
  • Individual US Dollar Exchange Grant

  • Northern Light Grant for Unity Ministerial Path Students

for Spiritual Communities

Conference Grant

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Are you a newly ordained minister?

Newly ordained Canadian ministers are gifted with Unity Canada Conference registration following their ordination.


Our newest Canadian minister is being ordained this June 2023! Watch this space for the announcement.

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