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LEARN | General Interest Classes


Your perspective is always limited by how much you know.  Expand your knowledge and you will transform your mind.
~ Bruce Lipton

If you're looking to delve into the adventure of life through learning, sharing, and experiencing your greater nature, these Unity Canada general interest classes may be for you if you're looking for ways to


  • expand awareness

  • build on current knowledge, and

  • live your best life

Contact Adult Education Coordinator Wendy Karr ( if you'd like more information on how you can enrich your spiritual journey through engaging in the below general interest classes


If you're interested in becoming a credentialed Unity leader, check out the information about our Spiritual Education & Enrichment (SEE) courses.

Current General Interest Classes

General Interest Courses are open to everyone - whether or not you're part of a Unity spiritual community.​

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[Skip right to the class information by clicking here]

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Looking for SpiritGroups?

Please click here for the SpiritGroups page of this website for SpiritGroup information, times and registration.

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